Anonymous ID: 7e1c05 June 24, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.1885989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6000 >>6044 >>6366 >>6747



I am sure you have heard about the "blue wave" like I have. I decided to research the district-by-district house or representatives races myself, because the media wouldn't lie about the Democrat's chances, right?


What I found out is that of course they are lying, just like they lie about everything.


Far from there being a Blue Wave, the Democrats are actually totally fucked and have practically zero chance of retaking either the House or Senate. The entire "blue wave" narrative is a desperate fantasy to try and raise money to keep the party alive.


Exhibit A: The "Non-Partisan" Cook Political Report


According to the "Non-Partisan" Cook Political Report, if all the races turned out the way they are calling them today the Republican's would gain 5 seats!!!


Now, this "Non-Partisan" report is put together by someone named David Wasserman, but he is not related to Debbie Wasserman Shultz, not at all, so totally non-partisan.


Even these "Non-Partisan" sources are predicting that the Dem's will lose seats.


They try to spin this by saying that there are a bunch of Republican seats in contention that the dems MIGHT win, but when you dig into this it is a total fiction.


Cook claims there are 58 competitive districts. Hillary Clinton only won 13 of those, and of those 13 that Clinton won, several are solid Republican districts in Texas and California where there are incumbents who won by 10+ points and are completely on track to win again.


About 30 of the districts that Cook claims are competitive Trump won by 10+ points, some as much as 20-30 points. They are not lying when they say these districts "lean republican" but they are in no way competitive and the dems don't stand a chance.


Best case scenario is Dems might pick up 10-15 seats if they win every toss-up, but it is also just as likely that they will actually lose more seats.


What about Democrat "ENTHUSIASM?" Fact is Democrat voters are in the dumps and turn out in Dem primaries has been on the floor.


The districts that the Dems are supposed to flip in California, where they spent tens of millions of dollars, the Republicans turned out more voters in their primaries, even when they had incumbents running basically unopposed.


The way primary turnout works is the more candidates you have the more turnout you have because different candidates get different groups enthusiastic to turn out and so with lots of candidates you target lots of different people.


The democrats had 5-6 candidates in many races in California, and they had more competition for Governor where Republicans don't have much hope, and they still had lower turnout that Republicans.


The total failure to connect with voters in the deepest Blue territory confirms the Democrats are totally fucked in more mainstream areas.


Blue Wave is fiction. 100%. Even according to Cook. The reality is there may be a massive Red Wave if the disaffection of core Dem voters seen in CA plays out nationwide.


Remember though that every vote counts. Do not be complacent. The votes made today will determine a generation of policy in the Supreme Court and the direction of the country for decades to come. These are life and death choices and you are voting against people who want to exterminate you, your family, your culture, your history, and your way of life.