Anonymous ID: e61750 June 24, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.1886387   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I turned this into an easy red pill for folks who need to get a clue. Thanks for the research!


From General Kelly’s testimony to McCain’s Senate Armed Services committee in 2015. Yes. They knew damn well there was a problem. A very lucrative problem for some. Corrupt people on both sides of the aisle, a) had to get rid of Flynn who knows ‘where the bodies are buried,’ and b) they have to keep the borders open so as not to cut off the gravy train.

Excerpts from General Kelly’s 3/12/2015 testimony: “Chairman McCain, Ranking Member Reed, and distinguished Members of the Committee…..last year, almost half a million migrants from Central America and Mexico—including over 30,000 unaccompanied children and families---were apprehended on our border……….” How many made it without being apprehended at what contraband did they smuggle in?

“Transnational Organized Crime: The spread of criminal organizations continues to tear at the social, economic, and security fabric of our Central American neighbors. Powerful and well-resourced, these groups traffic in drugs---including cocaine, heroin, marijuana, counterfeit pharmaceutical, and methamphetamine---small arms and explosives, precursor chemicals, illegally mined gold, counterfeit goods, PEOPLE, and other contraband. They engage in money laundering, bribery, intimidation, and assassinations……………….Illicit trafficking is estimated to be a $650 billion industry----larger than the GDP of all but 20 countries in the world----and less than 1 percent of the global illicit financial flows is currently being seized or frozen…….Our friends across the region are committed to winning back their streets……but they are frustrated by what they perceive as the low prioritization of Latin America on our national security and foreign policy agendas, which is especially puzzling given the shared challenge of transnational organized crime……”


“According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, there was a 37% increase in heroin initiates in the US btw 2008-2012. In 2012, 51% of all heroin analyzed by the DEA originated in South America, 45% in Mexico, and 4% from Southwest Asia…………”


“In my opinion, the relative ease with which human smugglers moved tens of thousands of people to our nation’s doorstep also serves as another warning sign: these smuggling routes are a potential vulnerability to our homeland…….smuggling routes to move operatives with intent to cause grave harm to our citizens or even bring WMD……criminal organization are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders.”

“Our efforts to counter transnational organized crime focus on two complementary missions: defending the southern approaches of the US, and supporting partner nation stem the flow of illicit trafficking. ……..I am frustrated by the lack of a comprehensive US govt effort to counter the TOC threat. U.S. Southern Command is grappling with the cumulative effect of the various budget cuts enacted over the past few years.”

…….Two decades ago, U.S. policy maker and the defense and intelligence communities failed to anticipate the collapse of the Soviet Union or the rise of international terrorism. Today, another challenge is in plain sight: transnational organized crime threatens not only our own security, but the stability and prosperity of our Latin American neighbors.”