If the “invisible enemy” were non human entities would that ever come out?
They are now trying to say the titanic sank April 14
People are starting to see the fed reserve connection and they are panicking.
Tim Fool, did I hurt your feelings?
Muhsad is that you?
Why are we wind wiped at birth?
Do [they] forget who they are at birth like we do?
Muhsad Satanists
Muhsad did 911
Hussein, the guy that murdered a U.S. navy pilot (red, white, and blue) with a AK-47 is saying our guns should be banned?
You can’t make this shit up.
Hussein Obama Revealing What Keeps Him Up at Night-Calls for Confiscating Guns from Law-Abiding Americans
"You come from the stars." You didn't suddenly become a human. You existed elsewhere. Your subconscious self or your soul just travels from body to body to body, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. But it didn't start here. You started an infinite time ago. So, we've all lived on planetary civilizations around the universe before we became human. In fact, you volunteered and were selected to be here in this human experience, because there's something special happening here that's never happened before in this universe. Beings from so many different galactic civilizations have come together here on the Earth.
Bring back the guillotine then make the arrests.
Muhsad did 911
It’s like blaming Americans for the dirty shit the CIA does
But you are a faggot who already knows this
Honest question, are you Muhsad?