I'm married to one. I tried to fix her too. We were both in a our very early 20s. She left her diary out one time and there were stories of being abused in horrible ways. At the time, she told me they were all fake and she didn't know why she wrote it. Under the influence of MDMA, she told me CRAZY shit. About her father, her sister, and an ex-lover. Now, to this day, more than 15 years later, she tells me she has no clue what happened or if any of it ever happened. She has whole years she doesn't remember. It has been a crazy relationship, with a lot of acting out, projection and transference. Too much to get into. Things have calmed down A LOT though. This movement is very personal to her though - but her past remains a pandora's box.
Her last name (maiden name) is among the list of Illuminati surnames (not the top 13).