>>1886571 (DaFuq is "R?")
From now on, I am going to "sign" my anonymous posts with, "I'm the Next Best Thing to Q," because I am an arrogant prick who thinks MY thoughts and ideas are superior to the rest of the weaker Anons (and I secretly think I'm better than Q, but can't say that yet).
FFS Anons! If she had not have signed the post with a random letter, you all would have just read the post, agreed, and moved on. There was nothing profound in her post. Nothing that Truthers weren't talking about for the past 100 years. A good reminder? Yes. But that's all. TOGTFO, "R."
BO, please change the Board name to Q AND R Research to stroke the ego.
Rant over. Sorry to slide, Anons.