Last I checked, the Jewish pedophile-faggot David Brock wasn't going out of his way to condemn Jewish pedophile-faggots… but nice try, chump.
Looks good, fam… Keep up the great work, baker-fag!
From what I can tell, they would certainly know… but have fear/anxiety about speaking out, for various reasons.
Wow… Shills defending fucking David Brock now. Unreal.
Yeah… His best buddy just happens to be Jewish-pedo, James Alefantis.
Brock was raised Catholic, yet was his family Catholic???
BROCK SURNAME: "South German: nickname for a stout and strong man from Middle High German brocke ‘lump’, ‘piece’. Jewish (Ashkenazic): probably an acronymic family name from Jewish Aramaic bar- or Hebrew ben- ‘son of’, and the first letter of each part of a Yiddish double male personal name. Compare Brill. Jewish (from Poland): habitational name from Brok, a place in Poland."
Womp, womp.
Go shill for your pedo-heroes elsewhere, faggot.
Oh course, the Jew-shill responds to your post with a pic of a black-cock and a white woman.
Yeah, I think he may be tied to that dude/couple that burned alive in their garage in DC too.