Very bad day for the Democrats.
Quick, someone, anyone, post muhjoo so that when new eyes visit this site, they'll be tricked into associating Q and Anons with 'fascist', 'nazi' and 'anti-semitic'.
Very bad day for the Democrats.
Quick, someone, anyone, post muhjoo so that when new eyes visit this site, they'll be tricked into associating Q and Anons with 'fascist', 'nazi' and 'anti-semitic'.
This is how Pinkett-Smith and the entire racist production staff deflect from their racist anti-Egyptian insult that is 'Cleopatra'.
Instead of taking it on the chin and admitting what they did was wrong, they double down psychologically project and smear and slander the entire country of Egypt as 'white supremacists.'
Even when they themselves VICTIMIZE other people, even if they victimize the people of Egypt by denying them their cultural history, these racist pieces of shit cry victim.
Fuck em.
This tweet would not exist if muhjoo was correct.
>had that ever been voted on?
Truth is not subject to 'vote'.
>we're all required to use the new code word for "fucking news"?
We're all required to deny the truth that satanism is not judaism?
>until 'good' jews PUBLICALLY denounce Israel.
By your own logic you're guilty of what you're accusing 17 million people of being.
YOU are not 'publicly' denouncing shit, therefore by your own logic you are guilty of complicity in crimes against humanity.
Just because some people lie like Jada Pinkett Smith that the reason Cleopatra bombed is because 'white supremacy', it doesn't mean that white supremacy doesn't exist in anyone's mind.
Anti-semitism is real, even if people lie about it.
Such a nasty woman. Interrupting, shrill, and stupid.
>There is no such thing as 'white supremacy'.
Sure there is, it exists in the minds of a non zero group of people worldwide.
Therefore it exists as such.
You're a cringe gaslighting retard.
It's the same recycled shit to smear and slander Q and Anons as 'nazi'.
Nah, that's definitely not it, because in zero posts is there any evidence of CRIMES inherent in 'the jews'.
It's the same recycled MARXIST shit that casts guilt to an entire people.
They are without a doubt the biggest losers on the internet.
6 straight years of failure, and they're too stupid to realize it.