gotta love the digits of this bread, excellent start!
relieving to see that you've put in work too, there's been 1000s of years of shit to combat & it's not easy at all (like i need to tell you right?), that hasn't changed over night, and that 1000s of years of momentum won't stop overnight, that's just being realistic. Their day is coming (Judgement), yet, it's not wise to set ourselves up for expectations of exactly HOW it should happen, too easy to let ourselves (and other's who we've fed these expectations) down doing that. How it happeend in SA, the mass arrests* (i hate even using that term now, it's been beat to fucking death), well they have a completely different legal system, it may not happen the same way here. This process CAN'T be rushed (who wants HRC or BHO or whoever getting off on a technicality?), and it can't please everybody, shit, nothing can. That minimum one arrest you wish to see, may happen that way, may happen behind the scenes instead and change everything that high-profile person had their hands in, while letting society go about it's merry business, slowly but measurably improving. Me personally, I'd rather have the RESULTS of justice than just the optics of justice.