Mr. Obama doesn't live here anymore…
On Jan 21 of 2017, an old man walked up to the guard of the White House and asked the Marine on duty, "I'd like to speak with President Obama. "Sir, Mr. Obama doesn't live here anymore. The new president is Donald Trump." The old man walked away.
The next day, the same man walked up to the White House guard and made the same request. The Marine on duty replied, "Sir, you may not recall, but I told you yesterday that Mr. Obama doesn't live here anymore, it is now President Trump." The old man nodded his head and walked away.
the next day, the same old man walked up to the White House guard a third time and made the same request to the same Marine on duty. This time the Marine was kind but firm, "Sir, you are possibly having problems with your memory? For the past two days I have told you that Mr. Obama does not live here anymore."
The old man flashed a quick smile and said, "Young man, there is nothing wrong with my memory - I just love to here you say it!" The Marine snapped to, gave a sharp salute and a grin and said, "See you tomorrow sir!"