Need an assignment:
https:// /qresearch/res/182485.html#q183229
Basically, we need people to push outgoing memes relative to daily content.
The whole purpose of using the chans is because chan can mass a bunch of people to spread info and has a history of doing so.
The info is spread on text within images, which are difficult to be detected by social media bots.
Feeling ready for a job but dont know where to start?
CLick the link above, read it, create a bullshit account or use your active, and go.
There are meme hashtags that are pushed in unison.
Follow what the dialog on either "Q research general" or any of the current Meme threads are pushing and GO! GO! GO!
Want to write memes and dialog?
What, is pushing memes in the tranches not enough for you?
Start here:
Research one, or several, corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, corporate executives, or elitists.
The narrower your focus the better the targeted info could be.
Create memes, or texts in image format, of their wrong doings and/or their questionable connections.
Focus on: net worth prior their position and current; their spouse's background; shady connections to other people; where have they traveled; photos of who've they've met/mingled with; business holding; their spouse's inappropriate connections; their spouse's occupation...
Think Nancy Pelosi.
Pizza Parlor located in SF but registered in Panama?
Net Worth?
Her husband is a venture capitalist, with I believe connections to Obama's Solar subsidiaries?
How is Mad Max Waters so rich?
How is she able to afford a 4 million dollar house on a fraction of the pay... outside her district?
Was her husband's bank bailed out by the TARP deal that came after the crash?
Simple yet effective work.
Don't Know Where to start/get involved yet not remain updated daily?
Now you know.
Other douche bags, please alert bakers. There are enough shills in here with disinfo, we should get these newfags and irregulars on track