Chimp news network talking about international news the last 20 min, now weather. Have not seen a weather report in ages on MSM. Looks like they are tail between the legs retreat or they are planning the next move. Looks like semi real news this morning on..Oh never mind "Anger in the state dept" coming up next .>>188700
ClownNews talk points.. State Dept Employees hired attorneys, calling on watchdog for being politically targeted for working under renegades administration.
Next story.. "praising that there is no white males in the best album category. The headline "Not so white Grammy's this year" The woman and man smiling and happy for this and preaching diversity. I will keep watching for awhile until I need to toss cookies. Now a beta cuck #metoo protests at the grammys this year. Puke CNN needs to get the hammer of the God's
CNN 'New Day' (commie symbolism) show is now…. SOTU , WYNN,Muller being fired by DT. 1st segment. Tying president to Wynn. Showing pictures of them together and alluding about allegations against Trump. Immigration plan being discussed now."The president sees Immigration as political "These puppethead soldiers are not as good as tapper and Cuomo but the current hostesswitch is pretty demonic and attacking Trump with hate in her eyes. "Trump has no cred" "Speech is not going to change anything" "President owns the admin and responsibility " . Guest talking head actually talking good about Trumps wins."Will he touch the Russia investigation" Woman shifted look over off set before she said it. Next story .Rubio fires chief of staff for bad conduct . Next up" protection for Robert Muller from firing by trump. " Trump is a hater for his Africa comment " up next. Wow good thing I haven't ate this morning.
They have nothing basically. Thank God !
Questioning the experimental space x launch feb 6th from Cape Canaveral. Could this be used as a FF? It will be the day after SOTU. Who is in control of Falcon9 and are they really sending a car into space? I am hoping MAGA can wrangle back control of KSC if they do not already have control. I watched both of the recent launches . Space Wars anons! Make Earth Great Again !