Trump messed up their plans. He was the "pied-piper candidate"
They never thought she would lose...
Jeb, Marco, Ted, etc. (other than Rand, who was blatantly weak) would follow their masters. Trump was a wildcard. They pushed for him because they thought he was weak against Hillary. They thought that the people would see nothing more than a billionaire who gamed the system, while Hillary and Bernie were "fighting for YOUR well-being." Wikileaks showed how Bernie got screwed - then he played along. That was a turning point. Some of his supporters saw him for the fraud he really is, and backed Trump. It was enough to turn the tides. Nothing the MSM or HW could do would pull us away. Since the election, have you seen anything positive about Trump? No, it's always two steps from impeachment or Mueller taking him down.
Trump is our last (peaceful) chance. If he fails, or is removed, then our only recourse will be.... I'm not going to say outright. Just know, patriots have contingency plans and not all of us rely on tech to pass messages.
How can you defeat surveillance? P2P-No electronics.
I love this nation, I love my family.
dulce bellum inexpertis