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per Rod Rosenstein:
wow. FBI gives the perfect place for the FBI to staged their Terror events. How convenient.
They are part of the ownership / control / originators there.
they are documented enemies of State now; how could anyone believe anything on FB now;
the governments fakes events left and right, and bans blocks on FB and Twit anyone who sees through it.
these ops never make sense.
"they are stoopid"
think that's the occams' razor explantion?
she's pretty.
i thought of that, maybe it's a guy and another fake pregnancy
or maybe they did the ol Two Y's to make a baby? Like directoranon mentions they do.
Maybe Elon's female?
Joe looks like he can't believe he's there.
can i make a meme or a photograph into an nfts?
is there a citation. sounds like soros.
already answered that yesterday
It's not over.
Your hostile question is based upon a false assumption;
the Durham report exposes the people we've been attempting to expose for over five years and maybe five decades- all the time being laughed at an denied.
The publication of the report is our vindication; and its not over yet.
Do you really imagine Trump and his followers will allow Barry to get away with this?
as far as I can tell anons are extremely happy about the Durham Report being released. Durham apparently did a very fine job. It will be fodder for civil cases.
We've been told for years Durham would never complete it.
but our critics were wrong; per the usual.
The only ones sad are the pseudo Q researchers, like fraud "AJ"
not only were we told Durham would never complete it; but also that everything in it, now proved, was our imagination.
Shoe's on the other foot now.
here's more nothing burger to turn into something burger, for a news cycle or two.
Dude asked same hostile question yesterday; guess it didn' get what it needed for it's report to the failing hater-site "VICE"
sounds like a version of the Arab Assassins legend.
that's ridiculous.
teachers are intimidated by students, they want to be frens; don't want to rustle their feathers.
very bad.
conditions of Libraries are pathetic. The radicals use the lock down and plandemic to cull books. All they have now is catered to programing children and not expanding their intellect.
We can't have top students and dullards anymoar , can we?
no you failed.
maybe follow Nancy Drew on Telegram .. if anyone would have an idea, it'd be her and her followers?
Biden's on-record admitting he bribed Ukrainian officials to fire the Prosecutor investigating Hunter. Not just admitting, but bragging.
What could go wrong.