whrrr whrrr bots 4 oblivion !
gahy nigg invades outside minas tirith
tonight only
baphometic baal hymal bot net pays tribute to mo$e$ sql server
rhetoricals gets new telescope budget frum vatican juws https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/13ofda/south-park-intergalactic-problem
>rhetoricals gets new telescope budget frum vatican juws https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/13ofda/south-park-intergalactic-problem
all dez goathomo limmericks r out of control
congrats on gettin a dannyfaggo surgery
these dannyfaggo surgerys must be hot
MACRONi gunna feel like macho faggot now
fornicating abomnations in knuw juw nuw$