Any fucking thing is offensive to jews, its called 'control'
Doxing is against the fucking rules you stupid fuck
If we are to believe this story, minimum wage workers (maybe more) made a HUGE business decision for the owner of this upper middle end restraunt that caters ti the wlite in DC (yes I know Virginai, where the fuck you think most live? Sister was on AF1 for some time.
R make another post did they?
It is, wonder if this was a "last stand" and they were in trouble anyway, now they can blame Trump on going under. As a business owner, i would tell my employees they better cook the gatdamn food and it better be the best they made or dont even think about coming back tom.. and i would figure out a loophold to keep em from unemployment (yes thats a stretch, but i could at least bark it)
No shit grows every day.. too bad she wasnt a twisted cunt she is /\ some hot tuna