Tyler(s) put up 2 kinds of articles:
1) In-House Tyler(s) ones
2) Guest articles
That one was a guest article by a Caitlin Johnstone who submits stuff to medium.
People often (not saying you) ascribe articles they see there as being the opinion of the Tyler(s).
The key is to see if there's an author listed at the top of the article.
When there isn't, you're getting one from the Tyler(s) pov.
The key takeaway for me wasn't the chicken-little substance of the article, but the fact that it's the 1st full-blown reference of Q on ZeroHedge that I can recall. We shouldn't underestimate the number of eyeballs ZeroHedge gets - they blow away the MSM sites. Which means that Q awareness is now hitting the steep part of the exponential growth curve.