Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.1888129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8174

Some anons say they see a sort of aura or glow around lies/shill posts. I suspect we all have a heuristic filter because close inspections every shill post would other wise lead to head explosion.

there's a lot we don't see on the boards and in the world.

Take the Paussid beetle. He's a predator who lives unseen among his prey. Pretty creepy right? He eats their larva.


We have a pretty narrow range of senses, and we don't think much about what might exist out side the sense or technical means available to other, more advanced species to mislead our sense, to impose filters or whatever to stop us from seeing.

Just a thought, and another good reason to stay united, to combine our awareness to stay awake at all times.



hot skeet and tried to square dance at the hustings Friday day,

Then oysters, oysters at the club with "One Hoss" Shea,

Who's broken with that prairie snipe who'd tried to tag his ear -

but failed - for all her earnests from the gold fields of Ophir.


The brothers Parc, who know me not, might sneer, "Pearl fishers? Odd, for Witchita Deserta." But those oysters knew Cape Cod,

and One Hoss had them iced and flown: Cotuits, best of breed, cotuits joy of snob and gob, and coveted for seed.


Old Henry Adams mentioned them - I've got a note here somewhere,

or maybe just the piece itself. He'd honeymooned it there with "Claver" she who's long since dead. Her relict haunts us still….

"As queer as quoits" cried Longworth's wife, bitch goddess of The Hill.


…think not he made a pet of me that August of '18

as I was all the worse for wear - no trophy for a queen.

He'd drawn up maps to chart the war - although it made him grieve

to picture France, from where I'd come on convalescent leave.


…near St Michel I'd culled a herd of Huns in swart Argonne

and been shot up a bit myself. In hospital at dawn

I used somebodies swagger stick to lever out of bed

then hopped and crawled half a mile to watch birds defile the dead.


The dead in question was a scamp, a card sharp from Cornell-

they'd drummed him out of Lawerenceville. The rook said, "Go to hell

these eyes is mine. There's others here, why must you play the goat?"

"You go to far!" I told the rook, and shot him in the throat.


TSM 197x

Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.1888210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons just as there is an invisible and unseen virtual reality we call the internet that is intimately related to the material world and MW events, real world material events have virtual correlates or components. Neither real world events or virtual world correlates can be understood by their own state in isolation. It is the evolving state of the combined realms which produces the dynamic phenomena we generally perceive as belonging to one realm or the other.


The bifurcated structure is also characteristic of the subjective experience of individual human consciousness, we can infer the existence of a dynamic process, consciousness poised between abstract and material phenomena, composed of both.




Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.1888232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When advertising drives communication what happens is that the standards of accuracy which prevail in the upstream controlling economic medium (advertising/marketing) are adopted by the dependent, carrier media.


Newspapers, TV the internet are all advertising dependent. "Standards and practices" in our entertainment industry where I work, are the standards of advertisers. Advertising is persuasion, and its standards of objectivity are extremely flexible. It's considered acceptable to omit vital information if it is contrary to the purpose of selling a product.


The standards of truth and the selective enhancements of marketing advocacy become the standards of communication adopted by the all media and set the course of our public discussions and interactions with each other. In the end what results is a distorted collective world view.


It doesn't have to be that way, but it is that way.


If we understand what circulates between us, what binds us together and tears us apart, is information, we can begin to think about about ourselves as having two identities. One is as individuals with varying capacities and diverse cultural operating systems, the second our primary identity, which is collective.


We are ooking furiously at each other over ad campaigns for competing ideologies; in fact they're both wrong and beside the point. Our future is emerging elsewhere, unnoticed, like an image on a photographic negative: it is there in the information swirling through us.


It's a picture we are frightened to look at.


It is not possible for a single human being to invent or create anything of value today. Everything we do, or use, or eat, or say, depends on the contributions or rests on the achievements of thousands others, from Sumer to Palo Alto who have contributed new knowledge to the trans-generational store house of scientific knowledge, the collective memory which permits and defines civilization.


When we do look from the mirror to the intersection of biological networking, genetics and information theory, we will encounter a better idea of ourselves and the cultist pedovore programmed political/advertising/marketing calamities which periodically engulf us in wars will become less frequent.

Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.1888285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Profit


Thou shalt not bear false witness," is an instruction not to tell untrue stories about others, as in do not commit perjury; it has other meanings we must consider.

If you are in the advertising and marketing business, you are bearing false witness by your endorsement of a product. Or if you are a marketer or PR person you bear false witness by your connection to some commercial service, brand or by your failure to explain the true cost of financing a purchase.

"Bearing false witness" means introducing errors into information processing systems biological or otherwise. Systems that use distributed, collectively defined symbolic communication systems like language are particularly vulnerable to damage (and to sabotage).

Introducing error damages such systems globally, For this reason in virtual environments, the commandment against bearing false witness is not only important, it is important to enforce.

One of the reasons we are facing a crisis in civilization right now it that we have allowed advertisers and marketers to say or imply virtually anything if it helped them to sell products. "It's just advertising. No one beleives it. It does not harm etc are untrue statements.

Disobedience to this commandment has consequence. They are not imposed by any Deity, they are inherent in the act itself. Introducing error is like introducing shit into your drinking water. A little bit builds immunity. More people start getting sick. Eventually you can't support civilizations, lights out. Here we are. Language has been damaged. Trust destroyed. When we damage language we damage our ability to think and understand our world and our part in it.

We're going to have an opportunity to correct this, and to repair the damage we're done to ourselves, each other, and the earth.

We will have a choice after we have had an opportunity to see the alternative, the world of error, the world of relative truth the world that advertising, marketing and materialism we have made. We'll see how many likes it gets.

Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.1888307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you remember a great TV series, Connections?


We know things are more connected and form larger patterns over longer periods than we had been able to see previously as we electronically augment - or scale - our perspective. New and highly significant patterns are available from the "40,000 foot view."


Enhanced ability to survey reality is exposing connections whose exploration is certain to lead to a revision of our collective understanding of the fundamental nature of the reality we inhabit.


This, what's happened to us, is, from 40,000 feet, an information distribution problem. We will take technological precautions to ensure it does not happen again.

Anonymous ID: 6005e5 June 24, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.1888324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey we see you clownses