Anonymous ID: a92775 June 24, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.1887586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7693

>>1887424 (lb)

it sounds like identity theft and it would likely behoove you to get an investigation started on that.


>>1887521 (lb)

> It is thought that Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins. Hence Jesus of Nazareth.


Some even believe they were half brothers. (see Virgin and the Priest by Mark Gibbs).


But I don't believe either. I have mostly settled on the character of Jesus as described in today's bible as a composite character of three people, Issa of India, Jesus of Naz, and Appalyonia of Tyana. Paul / Saul subverted the religious movement, likely a roman spy sent in to shift the focus away from gnostic beliefs into a more rigid rule-based organized belief set.


But that's just me.

Anonymous ID: a92775 June 24, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.1887606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7686 >>8311

>>1887530 (lb)

>pray to raise our frequency so we can guide and heal?

believe it or not it is not your job to guide and heal…without the person specifically asking. Doing so without that…is nothing more or less than what the other side is doing and a blatant example of "right makes might"..but with the complete and total failing to understand that without pure neutrality, even your version of "right" is a control mechanism.

Anonymous ID: a92775 June 24, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.1888135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8184 >>8323


>and how would you know what my job is? are we all here for the exact same purpose or are we blessed with differing abilities? y

The idea that you've got the right to dash about offering your version of love and light to others is just another form of control… light and happiness..they're all different versions of the same lie..faux empowerment. True empowerment is complete and total freedom of the body, mind, and spirit.


Your refusal to let go of the idea that somehow you've got special dispensation to "free" people…means you yourself are not free.


Holding the idea that other people MUST change in order to affect and create the version of society YOU envision or whatever cult you're following envisions is literally just another version of control.


The truth does not need your help. All efforts to shift the consciousness of others is voluntary and intentional.


Try meditating holding space for truth, whatever it may be…you won't be able to…because "what IF the truth" is contrary to your beliefs?" that's where the idea of being a "missionary" to others…comes from.."converting" others to your belief set to gain followers and strength. Such efforts put into conversion…power stacking…


Humans have a human consciousness and nature, this cannot be nor will it ever be changed. Like a dog and a lion humans will continue to be humans. The idea that this can be changed is a doctrinal fallacy of mind control.


What's happened is that we are out of balance…meaning the fulcrum of balance between good and evil has tipped far to the dark. Good cannot exist without evil just like day cannot exist without dark. The whole point of evil is to have something to grow from and push against. The concept of a rainbow fairy fart world of light…is yet another cult belief…shifting the focus away from the truth of how to live life in balance with all that is, both light and dark, within oneself and without.