We have any vids of this habbening today?
Night Shift is pretty absolute sate for days. It's so controlled by the so called baker with 60+ posts and others with even more.
Have we finally figured out why the black eye? How does it happen? Is it a ritual thing they do cause it looks like a ritual thing..like a gang tat.
Whut! That makes no sense. So let's pretend that's true .. who administers the procedure? Is it a club? Do they give their permission to have it done to them?
Are they under anesthesia when this habbens? If they are in some position of power, why do it to them? They're already corrupt so no need for control..just bribe them with mo money and mo power..they would bite every time for that carrot.
Dude, there's no covid. You prolly had pneumonia or flu or combo. You can recover. Do you have co-morbidities? You have to look at that anon. Local churches always have food pantries and many give some cash to help. Look there. Prayers sent..ask for what you need in Jesus name.
Bullshit! That thing is to damn big to enter someone's eye and go to their brian. That's as big as a small fish.