there's only one military out there right now
truly fighting the good fight
cossack choir with ultra-bass oktavist
zlatopolksky, a legend
don't fight the russians
the worst thing is bad leadership
poor fucking ukrainians are being dragged to the front
to be killed
in order to prolong the war
so that more ukrainians can get killed
it's the lose-lose-lose strategy
but as long as we're just losing people
not territory
we can pretend we're winning
because we're not losing
the ukrainian lies are breathtaking
all swallowed whole and regurgitated
especially by the brit media
as ever, the very worst
the swamp of the swamp of the swamp
let them listen to the soul of russia
and truly despair
don't know how he'll meet his demise
but i know how we should greet his demise
i know just the guys