my soul purpose is to assist all anons in destroying the octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around all we know and love
my soul purpose is to assist all anons in destroying the octopus that has its tentacles wrapped around all we know and love
what about the LEOs that put in a lifetime in the inner city that know they've been fucked over and are well aware of the constitution and Q
been shot three times
took one life
attended 20 colleagues funeruls
dealt with a world known serial killer
shook two us presidents hands
wtf do i know
most vets i dealt with were homeless
idiots that believed the recruiter
thought they were fighting for our freedom in the middle east kek
fighting bankers wars
kissinger loves american soldiers
ive tried believe that
theyve been trusted with million dollar equipment but cant get a job at krogers
few succeed
most say fuck it an survive in the bush
the "new cops" are soldiers coming home from kicking in doors over seas lol
tatted and testosteroned the fuck up
only people that dont like cops are the ones that got caught
quit what
stopping idiots killing others
car jackings
cop killers
wife killers
kid killers
you tell me when to stop