Good questions anon. It's worth a dig. Start with the Constitution, Articles 1 & 2 then the 2A and then look to Title X, USC Section 12 Subsection 246 and 247.
People are finally asking the right questions that will be relevant later.
Good questions anon. It's worth a dig. Start with the Constitution, Articles 1 & 2 then the 2A and then look to Title X, USC Section 12 Subsection 246 and 247.
People are finally asking the right questions that will be relevant later.
Hard to get tough with this electronic leash on my leg homie.
Balls in your court on that one.
I stepped up for this Constitutional Republic big time.
I just literally told you where the fucking answer is. READ IT and understand what's going on.
Compare those two oaths word for word. Look at the difference. Reflect back on what was going on in this country 36 months ago this month.
Could he have done it?
That "break glass in case of emergency" once in a generation moment.
I don't have freedom of maneuver at the moment.
I could address much very quickly once unleashed.
The ball isn't in my court on that one.
There are 2 types of militia. The NG is the "organized" militia.
The "unorganized" militia is everyone else.
Think veterans and retired Non Comissioned Officers leading thisโฆ.
There's a place for everyone, homie. But it's important to understand that certain situations will require actual warfighters.
Cops order someone to do something. Pissed off Infantrymen, Scouts and others command people to do things.
Not my fault the civilians overmilitarized the police and now they all think they're Soldiers.
This is going to require a complete paradigm shift and restoring power back to WE THE PEOPLE.
Indeed. Sometimes a FALL is exactly what this Country needs to wake up.
(Non violently of course.)
Cops don't swear an oath to support and defend the constitution. They can't as they are not federalized.
Cops protect the state.
Citizens and the militia protect the citizens.
Anyone with a badge is a militarized force and falls under the same rules as a militia, which could also mean the UCMJ.
Qualified immunity? I never got that shit as a Soldier. I would still be in prison if I did the same shit in Baghdad that cops get away with here in the US.
Yep. We are all self sacrificial and the government knows this. That's why they treat us like shit when we come home.
We had hoped that TRUMP would give us our pride back. Someone to look to for leadership and give us clear, concise orders.
The good cops I knew left in disgust years ago.
The new ones need retraining and to be demilitarized.
If they swore an oath to support and defend and have ignored that oath then they are worthless at this moment in American history.
You did it the correct way for the time then. If Trump had been president during your time there may have been other options on the table that could present an opportunity to avoid all of that and you could have been the one getting the money besides your attorney.
My DD214 came with a monthly check I've been receiving for the last few years. If I've been using this site as a backchannel with 45 admin during their time in DC, then that opens up a whole new can of worms for the derp state that they can not easily counter.
Police forces are down 40% and 30% of that number is made up of veterans.
Poloce agencies leadership don't want Soldiers and other servicdmembers because we have a different values system career installed.
I know first hand how fucked up the courts and DOJ are. I'm a felon now homie.
But I can also read between the lines and see the writing on the wall.
Have you read the DOD Law of War manual?
Sections 11.3 and 11.4 are telling.
Your numbers are WAYYYYY off. I just spent the past 28 months in the legal system surrounded by cops. I've had numerous conversations with them.
Leadership changes are always hard. Especially when it's by someone with a bigger dick.
Listen to someone hiding behind a keyboard with the name "anonymous"
Come on dude. It needs to be someone with the pedigree and PUBLIC support of the boss.
A PUBLIC FILING in their legal case is needed for a link.
Indeed. I'd rather have a F2F over a call any day of the week.
STFU shill. Combat medics are the most honorable people on the fucking battlefield. If you've ever seen one of your best friends get shot in front of you, you'd know how honorable they are.
I have more respect for those that didn't burn their draft cards.
You get the government you deserve. You could have fought and made something of yourself instead of going out like a coward.