But Elon owns Twitter so now he’s a Q guy.
/pol shill shit.
It’s never going to happen. Are you so stupid? You just think Jesus is going back ? God damn man.
She looks like the turtle on Rango.
It’s as if all this research later and you idiots still can’t see what organization religion really is.
You Jewish Jesuit Free Mason literal New World Order faggs ruin the experience of existence
Nobody. Everybody. The left. The right. Christians. Jews. Niggers. Chinks. Etc. do you ever think for Yourself? Or is some god watching you.
Don’t worry Anon. It’s not another 4 year election. Now, you will have to wait until the next election but, in 2 weeks the emergency broadcast will show you all the trials and for treason because cops care about you.
No one is going to do anything. The second amendment is for guns against Tyranny. No one is going to use it for that. So, they are just going to take the away.
You want the names of the “Jews?”
That’s easy. They are always listed. All the time. Now, sometimes the names are changed to protect them. But it’s every where you look.
Name one thing corrupt and I’ll name a jew.
Wtf. Dumb
109 nigger lover. 1. 0. 9.
You can explore space but not Antarctica? Weird.
Nothing has stopped what has been coming.
We do know. It’s allegory.
You say bread means food. Any food. So you agree the word bread means something else. Except anything that goes against your idea that Jesus was real and saves you and gets you into heaven. You literal Christians are the Anti Christ. Because Christ means oil. The oil is the CSF fluid. Paul never referred to Jesus as real. Christ Jesus isn’t Jesus Christ.
You have a long way to go and a short time to get there.
If you want to believe Jesus is here or there or the kingdom is here or there and not INSIDE you. Then go ahead. But, remember people do know. Even if you don’t want to
This is the archetype you are in. Like it love it hate, make your mind up about it.
We aren’t in Pisces anymore so That organization religion is dying off the Self is awake and he is emptying his cup.
You’re on the internet. Stupid fucking faggot
Go ask. Seek. Knock.
I hate people like you.