After all, Harley-Davidson is currently a public company A public company is a kind of corporation. This means a kind of business that possesses a legal existence that is separate from its owners, who are recognized as owners because of their possession of the corporation’s stock shares.
Public companies have their stock shares owned by shareholders out in the general public. Something made possible by the free trade of those stock shares on stock exchanges as well as over-the-counter markets.
There are Multiple Owners
In other words, Harley-Davidson has a lot of owners because it has a lot of shareholders. Of course, it is important to note that some shareholders are more important than others when it comes to corporations.
After all, more shares mean more say over a number of important matters, though most shareholders will remain separate from the actual day-to-day running of corporations.
In any case, the biggest of the shareholders for Harley-Davidson are well-known. As of November 24 of 2021, the five biggest shareholders are Boston Partners Global Investors, theVanguard Group, BlackRock Fund Advisors, H Partners Management, and Beutel, Goodman & Co. Out of these, Beutel, Goodman & Co. owns the least with 4.54 percent of outstanding shares, which is quite a bit less than the others than have more than 7 to a bit less than 9 percent each.
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