Anonymous ID: 187f3f May 22, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.18886530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6545 >>6569 >>6666

So much text incoming …


My Aussie fren, who doesn't like Trump n said I'd been brainwashed by Q, is suddenly very quiet about what's unfolding over there. They were forced by Gov't to take the injection (pfizer was the free one) AND boosters. I already told him long ago if he starts to hear shit that makes him wonder if there's a chance I was right and the injections aren't safe, then there are things he can take to help soften the damage.


Silly rabbit, I'm always right. He knows me as that friend who is super smart until it came to Q, then I was dumb n brainwashed all of a sudden. Now he sees his friend who is light years ahead of the general population, as are the good Anons, he's starting to wonder how the fuck I new 5 years ago?


We're really good frens, he has a great heart (big_tits.jpg) and he is one of 2 liberals I remained frens with. My other lib fren was trying to fix my car window and something happened where the window shattered. This is the lib who voted biden and told me they were following China's guidelines, not Trump's, during covid. Well, the little piece that was supposed to hold the window in place broke and it led to the window falling n shattering (which led me to a free new lexus, my old vehicle being a 40 yr old Chevy that went 55 mph, kek. Still a gem tho. BUT …) My Chinee guideline following fren made sure to point out that the piece that broke was made in China. It seems something shifted within him but the window breaking had nothing to do with it. He was trying to show me he is waking up. He is injected n boosted n hospital killed his mother. She got 1st injection and arms and legs went numb for a week or so. They took her to hospital where she croaked days later, but he thinks she croaked from "covid pneumonia and renal-failure."


I think we will have to hold back on the i told you so's, kmao. Let them lick their wounds for a minute and then when they're stronger we can kek at them. Well, that's how I'm going about it. I'm waiting for the antidote. I know there has to be one. If there is not one, then I know it is very possible to eeeeeasily create it.

Anonymous ID: 187f3f May 22, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.18886603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614


WTF? But why would they only need a boot for a short amount of time? This boot sht is crazy. Or is it comms that they are singing or something? Why would they only track them for a few days?

Anonymous ID: 187f3f May 22, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.18886657   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I forgot that part about illuminati backwards redirects to nsa. Thank you, sir, very honorable of you to come out and say this. This is pretty yuge.

God Bless you. Thanks for real beef if that's what you are doing, kek.