When a Trump Admin official is assassinated, be sure to send her family a card saying Trust Muh Plan.
Cant wait til this biz fails or, better yet, is burned down.
Tell her to Trust Muh Plan.
When a crazed libtard shoots Sanders or Nielsen, remember to Trust Muh Plan.
No. Their lawyers can appear in court.
Muh drugs exposed me as a drug addict again.
Ole the Peateater
Sander, Nielsen, DeVos, go ahead and place your bets which one will be shot first by a deranged libtard. Remember to Trust Muh Plan.
[Romney] needs to go.
She's not bright. Why is she on FoxNews?
Still Trump has done nothing against her.
Trump's DOJ/FBI are utter failures at this point. That is down to their Boss: Trump.
Just send Arrington a card saying Trust Muh Plan. That's all she needs.
Because it's going to happen while Trump's DOJ/FBI continues making excuses for their inaction and failure.
I bet most Anons are sheep who do everything muh govt tell them to do.
Compliance with govt is why our country is total shit right now.
Watch the excuses for the lack of civil disobedience flood in.
The real reason is cowardice.
I sent her a card to Trust Muh Plan, so she's fine now.
When deranged libtards start shooting conservatives, be sure to Trust Muh Plan.
Not to worry, she Trusts Muh Plan, so all is well.
We live in a police state period
Police have ruined my town by arresting everybody for DUI. It closed down a formerly active nightlife and I never heard of any serious problems, except those caused by the police. Police need to be disarmed and marginalized into the lowlife punks and gangsters that they are.
Because that would require the Trump Admin to actually DO SOMETHING rather than make excuses about muh demoncrats and muh normies.
But muh demoncrats, muh normies, muh tv skeer Trump.
My plan would involve the DOJ/FBI doing its job arresting known criminals and if they cant, to eliminate them and turn it over to law enforcement who will actually DO THE JOB.
No, asshole, I read Thoreau as a child and have been doing what he said ever since.
No doubt you are a sheep and an intellectual midget. Trust muh govt. Fucking loser.