The present we live in is so fuckin' dystopian. Meanwhile normies applaud it because they're told to.
My city in the 90s used to be 95% white. Now it's so fuckin' enriched it's unbelievable. I see shit skins everywhere I go. EVERYWHERE. I don't normies realize how non-white our society already is, and how catastrophic the results will be in one or two generations. We'll be a third world country soon.
And why is it okay to hate white people. I see open racism towards whites everyday, but you're not allowed to say anything about niggers.
So many turbans and hijabs. Fuck I hate this gay world.
Humans are selfish and no one wants to hear your opinion.
Does anyone else do this? Whenever a normie tries to talk to me about anything political, I don't engage in conversation. I just give a neutral, "Hmmm." until the subject changes.
I realized a long time ago there's no point in talking to a normie about politics.
The dystopian future has already arrived. It's here. We're living in it right now.
Sometimes I get angry and sad about the world the jews created. Sometimes I laugh at the insanity.
Within the decade there's going to be a fake asteroid scare, followed by a fake alien invasion. Both will result in more jewish control and less freedom for the goyim.