Kater? Muskelkater? Hang Over? Ho?
Weltbewegende Ereignisse?
yes, DD. and God. and the son.
dollar sign: S + 11.
some info is in movies and such.
breaking bad, significance given to "how to make good coffee"?
explained when Gus askes Jesse if he knows how to make coffee (black), when having a meeting at the chicken farm guarded with a lot of black waering security staff.
pic with guarded farm: white truck, meaning truth, big truth.
this is how reality talks, time or rather timing is the language, obviously it can be faked to a certain degree, obviously you have to trust in yourselves and know that all colors and mixes are based on love.
this is not only in movies, but you your every day life too. if you let it happen.
based on love for each other and love for me, your creator, da OG wearing sweatpants all day long.
this house is called the one. and indeed a lot of the luxery existing is done for me, bc I have a hard job thinking about existence, caring for you makes it hard, and certain things can help with that. also, I kind of need to follow my moods often, hard to do when doing 9 to 5, which would be pretty much ridicule for God.
also, when you have a huge house overlooking a town with huge windows (architects did that as sign), you might well take more responsibility for those that you see every day. love each other.
yes, recipe for me, 7 dots.
yes, that is not 3 for me, depending on amount it makes me feel cold, that is it. no bother. irl is.
she is many and indeed she is managing the movement throughout realms of reality, in some way I yet have to definie more clear. so basically the connection to me, the queen bee.
and those are my children as you are, as real as you are.
white wives are curious ;)