This is an interesting take and well worth thinking through, but I suspect the analogy breaks down. I kinda wish it didn’t, it would be good to think that taking out a single ‘queen’ could destroy the pedovore problem. I think it breaks down because though the hive mind is an emergent property of the combined behaviours of the entire hive – and indeed, a global pedovore hive mind may be an emergent property of the satanic elite cult we are currently destroying – it seems to me that our human version is built from the ground up, not specifically dictated from the ‘queen’ on down. In other words – individual psychopathic pedovores gain power through manipulation and ruthless control, and build their empire/hive around them, but in the case of humans this is an aberration of human nature, not a requirement of well-functioning civilisation (our pedovore driven globalisation example is quite clearly ‘unsustainable’, to say the least). This is quite unlike the termite example I think – thought the parallels are interesting, and perhaps do indeed add valuable insight.