Anybody else well into the oh yeah I forgot about that one stage yet?
It doesn't look like the OP is here tonight, but he sure can Q well on the battlefield.
Anybody else well into the oh yeah I forgot about that one stage yet?
It doesn't look like the OP is here tonight, but he sure can Q well on the battlefield.
Not the same as don't care.
It's the result of everything is compd so who's gonna do anything about it?
Very few want to take risks that don't have a corresponding big reward on the other side.
I don't have the power/whistleblowing sauce to make any yuge difference going solo.
But, I can help make a collective voice louder.
Here's any easy way to get on the battlefield tho.
2 tab over here and give this Q posting OP anon some help:
And how did Q's claim right above the Page claim hold up, again?
Wanna try again faggot?
Testify to the House in June (2 moar weeks) or total memory hole?
It doesn't look good right now.
Jim Jordan's Twitter is full of activity but you have to go all the way back to last Sunday in a long clip of his appearance with Maria B to find him mentioning it.
And even then he was like "we need to review where we are right now" in his response.
Even Jordan hardly mentions Durham testifying any more - memory hole already in progress.
And what shit might that be?
Digging around trying to find any sign of Durham testifying?
Finding that as each day passes it keeps sliding down the memory hole?
I guess it's harshing all the Durham meme vibes presently and feelz is #1 here now.
Other than all the people he didn't bring in like Paul Sperry has been documenting all weekโฆ
Of those he did it's pretty damn scathing.
The only thing that stands out from everything else is the no criminal charges conclusion.
It seems to me that Jordan and the rest on the House JC should be salivating at the chance to ask about about things in the report.
But, no, they're off to doing the outrage at the next big thing already.
Yeah, there have been some good Q ones there lately.
Like the one anon there posted - I can't believe the Jannies haven't nuked this.
That's a new twist, I like it.
>This launch coincides with Harley-Davidson's 120th anniversary
And ABIB's desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.
But, mostly the desperate part.
Nothing wrong with that.
PTG needs the competition as it's gotten stale there.
And think of all the shoe's on the other foot now visits to be made there hint hint.
I 'member Gretchfag.
At first I thought he was just shitposting but as time went on it became moar legit.
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
We're all gonna die because we didn't take the vaxx reeeeeeeeeeeee!
I know of one such case when it comes to this drop.
Because there's such a yuge market for Brokeback Mountain boys that like to go muddin up the mountain for some buttsex under the stars.
I've got the perfect F150 for you.
Add another +1 to the /pol/ Q threads that go past 300.
Here's a new continued /pol/ Q thread for you 2-tabbing Graveyarders to peruse if you so desire: