Maxine is doing this ON PURPOSE from orders through her (((masters))).
WE NEED A FOOL PROOF charge to bring her down.
EXPOSE how she exploited the poverty of her constituancy.
EXPOSE her lavish lifestyle.
EXPOSE her corruption.
ONLY leverage the left and (((they))) have left is to ferment street level security and safety disaster.
We destroy them with our evidence that shows how SHE have been taking money from very people who EXPLOIT those under her constituency.
(((they))) are trying to distract us, the STONE, from supporting POTUS and making this VIRAL. ALL the events today. ALL that the shills are doing is trying to keep us pissed off and OFF the battlefield where we are SUPPOSED to be instead of arguging with fucking texts with distraction (((JIDF shills))).
SUPPORT POTUS. ALL his tweets today, ALL his policies. FUCK over maxine using side-by-side evidence. FUCK over the DEMS using side- by -side. FUCK over all the black hat scum using evidence we gathered together.
Do NOT be distracted by (((shills))) and waste bread and time responding to them. Fuck the kikes, fuck the antifa scum.
WE are the FORCE. SUPPORT PATRIOTS, FIGHT on the internet sphere, meme away.
Maxine Waters Under Siege: Congresswoman lives in $4.8M mansion, Paid daughter $750,000 to mail campaign flyers
"Pro-Trump supporters are calling for Waters to be impeached amid allegations that she paid her daughter, Karen Waters, $750,000 out of taxpayer funds to mail campaign flyers.
In 2010, the House Ethics Committee investigated Waters for steering $12 million in bailout funds to a bank where her husband sat on the board and held stock.
Artwork featuring Waters’ face under the words “POVERTY PIMP” and “IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS” are popping up on bus benches and a pole outside Waters’ $4.8 million mansion in upscale Hancock Park — which is worlds away from the poverty-stricken district she represents.
Her indigent constituents wonder aloud how she can afford the lavish, nearly $5 million house."