(pic not rel) I can't imagine this hasn't already been posted,, as from June 19 but clipping thru breads don't recall seeing. and may be some who missed. If repost -apologies. This worth the full read as author has insights of at least one who has lurked sum. autist friendly and sees the unique skill set anons here bring. Here are the last 3 paragraphs. Although to be fair he should have closed with 'no homo'.
The Story of Q: Who is the anonymous online poster claiming to be a high-level administration official? And can he or she bring us some much-needed truth in an era of fake news? By Ted Mann
closing 3 paragraphs…
…I believe that Q had this figured out, too. You can’t bully an autist, and they are not primarily motivated by money. The same way an autist can’t stand something like magazines left in disorder on a coffee table, they can’t stand living with obvious contradictions and lies. So, they are highly motivated truth-seekers. I think most of us are, to the degree that we have time; but where do you find it? The truth is a needle and out there are a thousand haystacks. Q knew that if he could convince the autists he was who he claimed, they would work night and day for him.
When the president made his trip to Singapore, Q had a special present for the autists. It was a photograph taken from the window of a plane, below clouds, with a bit of a mountain poking through. So what? Autistic photo analysts geo-located the photograph in an hour. It was taken on ascent out of Pyongyang airport, and suggested Air Force One had made and unscheduled stop. The president met the little rocket man and closed the deal, last November.
Skeptical? I don’t blame you. Q says they have done the same deal with Iran. That there is going to be peace there too. Peace throughout the Mideast. So let’s wait and see. The world today is full of lies, which we politely call disinformation.
There’s a lot more to the Q anon story, but you’d never believe me if I told you now. Think of it as a dream. A world without war, a world of tremendous abundance powered by non-linear technology, a cure for cancer, the restoration of civility, kindness and humor to the long-suffering peoples of the earth, God only knows.
sauseech: https://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/264627/the-story-of-q