In this message BO proves that anti-R is not legit
R's posting and the two anti-R claims all came from unique IP addresses
Now don't ask "Does this mean R is legit?".
Just don't
On this board we know how to tell a posting is legit
It is the same way we tell if a tweet is legit
Or if a political message is legit
It's the content, anons!
Pay attention to the content of a message
Analyze it
Dig for sources
Dig for facts that back it up or contradict it
Look for connections
Pick it apart, piece by piece, under the assumption that if it is a lie
Then it will be a limited hangout or at least, contain half-truths
Identify the possibly untrue bits or missing bits
Dig for those
Think logically
If you cannot prove that it is not legit, then people who claim that it is not legit
Are likely to be clowns and shills
At this point, I think nothing proves that R's post is not legit
So it has a high probability of being legit
But keep an eye out for new evidence, pro or con
And note, that some of the info in the R posting
Goes very deep
How do you prove one way or another what happened to JFK Jr?
There are lots of inconsistencies in accounts of what happened
But what does it all mean
We don't know yet, so keep your options open