Anonymous ID: c461e5 June 24, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.1891354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1414

So, am I to believe that the Anons and Autists of the past ~8 months have not uncovered enough to begin pursuing civil action against (((them)))? Are we not able to compel criminal investigations in some way (on top of the "secret" investigations)? Can we not stretch ((them))) as thin as they have stretched us by hitting from every conceivable angle?

We have info on SO MUCH criminal activity that the cases are made. Open and shut and nigh indefensible.

35k+ sealed indictments? Sounds like the body of the beast is covered pretty well. Is there a reason I'm unaware of that we couldn't make a move on the head?

>Learn to play the game.

Spontaneous organisation.

  1. Start thread for target

  2. LegalAnons describe specifically needed info for specific charge (hell, LeagalJrAnons could get some killer experience/practice out of it)

  3. Anons collect and collate (we've done the digging. We have the info.)

  4. Work work work

  5. Profit. I'm not talking financial profit. Fuck dollar bills


Is it because no-one is reaching into their pockets to get that ball rolling?

I'm confident that if LegalAnons put in the time and effort, patriots would back them in droves. Only follow until it's your turn to lead. Take a lesson from geese here.


I trust the plan. But I don't think the plan involves anyone coming to save us. I think the plan is to inspire us to save ourselves.