split personalities, fractured by MK Ultra and or the horror of what he's been involved with.(?)
clip just the laff part and meme it baby
Great Leap Forward-one of the three red flags
Any accompanying sauce would beNOTABLEand tasty
NOTABLEand revolting
that looks kinda like a Trump Desanipad mashup
2016 was being stolen by Hillstank but it was un-stolen in realtime by Naval Intel. 2020 was allowed to be stolen. 2024 will not be.
PREAMBLE: DR. RICHARD DAVIS was taken out by the deep state after working on a team of software engineers under the jurisdiction of the NAVY that were involved in preventing Hillary Clinton from stealing the 2016 election. Shortly after Trump got into office he was killed by an unusual fast-acting cancer.
He is an American Hero.
Q research is the best source for political news aggregation and other important topics (bewbs), plus we get to learn among frens!
Pain '23 baby. Sometimes the people have to be shown.
hmm, makes me wonder what might correspond to 322 in the Bible.
That fits, what with the Skull and Bones. But obvsly they are being contrarian to that.