Anonymous ID: d94d0e May 26, 2023, 4:27 p.m. No.18908285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8369 >>8481 >>8714 >>8847 >>8933


>The only Republicans to oppose overriding Biden’s veto were the same group that initially joined most Democrats to oppose restoring the tariffs:

> Rep. John Curtis (R-UT)

> Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY)

> Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)

> Rep. Nicholas LaLota (R-NY)

> Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)

> Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)

> Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA)

> Rep. Marcus Molinaro (R-NY)


5 from NY?

Is This The TONY Soprano Squad?

Anonymous ID: d94d0e May 26, 2023, 4:44 p.m. No.18908370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8384 >>8481 >>8714 >>8847 >>8933



'' DeSantis 103 – Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop Continues, Elon Musk Makes Election Interference More Visible ''


May 26, 2023


Everything I have ever written about Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop is true, even if it takes a little longer for the more complex details about the data processing, govt subsidies, and the DHS financial side of the operation to surface. The DHS, ODNI, and FBI control elements were proven in the Twitter Files before the lawyers shut down the pertinent line of inquiry. That horse left the barn as everyone stood jaw agape. The second aspect, the financial side of the operation, remains more elusive – but slowly even the biggest tech detractors are coming around to the realization.


Into this foray came the question of whether or not Musk knew about it. A debate on these pages took place. In the background, unbeknownst to the general public, the tech insiders within the rebel alliance had formulated a thesis about the takeover. The key part of their overlaid thesis was a timeline of sorts, showing the rise of Truth Social – and the partnerships therein (Rumble) – in contrast to the entry of Musk into the coffee shop and the official DHS position about TikTok, – another competitor.


Was the Musk intervention timed to coincide with a rise in strategic competition against the interests of DHS? Go back and look at the timeline and decide for yourself. It is certainly suspicious when contrasted against the ‘new features‘ being advanced within the coffee shop business model.


Regardless, if you overlay the recent Musk decisions, and then overlay the deployed alignment of the Musk enterprise and DeSantis presidential launch, you can make a solid argument about the Trillions at Stake group, the collaboration between govt, the billionaire multinationals, and Big Tech, have a multi-faceted approach to control public information in advance of the 2024 election. Subtle like a brick through a window:


Fingers placed. Scales tipped. Interests aligned.




You are going to hear me continue repeating this, and you might get sick of it, but always ‘Trust Your Instincts’. If you are grounded in the truthful world, the pretending doesn’t work against you.


May 25, 2023 – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Thursday providing additional liability protections for public and private space companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. Presidential hopeful DeSantis signed the bill one day after announcing his candidacy on a Twitter Spaces session hosted by Musk.


DeSantis approved CS/SB 1318 — Spaceflight Entity Liability and 27 other bills Thursday. The law provides liability immunity to a spaceflight entity “for an injury or death of spaceflight participant or crew resulting from a spaceflight activity,” under certain circumstances. The bill requires space companies to provide a warning statement for crew members to sign. (more)



Anonymous ID: d94d0e May 26, 2023, 4:48 p.m. No.18908384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395 >>8403 >>8413 >>8481 >>8714 >>8847 >>8933



We are about to see exactly how the billionaire corporate funders control the Red State operations and manufacture the ‘illusion of choice‘. The difference between now and the Romney era of 2012 – through the Bush era of 2016, is that the American electorate's is eyes-wide-open are. We are watching the assembly in real-time, and once again at CTH, we have no financial affiliation to influence our sunlight. The gang might be getting back together, but The Truth Has No Agenda.


Remember, GOPe politics is all about money, not ideology. The ideological framework of Republican politics is a false front. ‘Social issues’ are used as the illusion inside the theater keeping the audience entertained and distracted, while the directors who create the performances take loot out the back door.


Once you understand the real baseline of corporation-run party politics inside the USA, all of the moves – past and present – make sense, and the ‘ah-ha’ moments just keep flooding in. {GO DEEP}


The boardroom of the Democrat private corporation (DNC) wants power. The boardroom of the Republican private corporation (RNC) wants money. The Democrats use the money to get power, ultimate control over people; the Republicans use power to get money, whatever happens to the people is irrelevant.


The DNC wants fundamental change; the RNC wants to be paid and control wealth while it happens.


The core issue to understand Republican politics is to look at how the people in control, the billionaires and multinational corporations, position for wealth. This is why/how the DNC can weaponize voting systems (outcomes), while the RNC accept it and position to be paid off while voting fraud takes place.


The person with the greatest opportunity to defeat the schemes of the corrupt political elite is the person you see in the mirror every day when you brush your teeth. There are more of us, than them – united we cannot be defeated.


There is a great MAGA insurgency taking place at the state level, and that is also visible in the endorsements. However, the systems – not people, systems – which operate the business end of Republican politics at a state and federal level, are still under the control of the RNC as a private corporation. Don’t look for MAGA support from the institutions until we have MAGA people in charge of them.


Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never go back to that moment in the performance when you did not see them. While we have awakened many people to the ‘illusion of choice’ system by predicting the moves in advance, the enemy is cunning, and they know how to weaponize the feeling of desperation.


We are in an abusive relationship with our government, and that cycle of abuse is truly created by the background financial institutions that control our government.


[We Shall Keep Watching]



Anonymous ID: d94d0e May 26, 2023, 4:57 p.m. No.18908443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8455 >>8462 >>8895

Anonymous ID: d94d0e May 26, 2023, 4:59 p.m. No.18908455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8462 >>8481 >>8714 >>8847 >>8895 >>8933


Raheem J. KassamMay 26, 2023

22 mins ago


Raheem J. Kassam



Leaked DeSantis Camp Audio: Move to ‘the Middle’ After Primary, Clinton’s Approach to Abortion.

Leaked audio has emerged from the DeSantis donor strategy meeting in Miami on Thursday. In the clip you can hear below, DeSantis strategists tell high dollar donors making calls for the campaign that:


DeSantis’s position is keeping abortion decisions at a state level (following Trump’s position);

That the Governor will shift to the middle during a general election;

The campaign’s position on abortion can be described as “safe, legal, and rare in Florida” – a stunning deployment of President Bill Clinton’s infamous pro-abortion catchphrase.

During the session, the hosts – including DeSantis pollster Ryan Tyson amongst others – can be heard lauding this a “major step forward for the Republican Party in moving to the middle [on abortion].”


There are a number of times throughout the leaked audio that DeSantis’s strategist can be heard telling wealthy donors: “You have to win a primary before you win a general,” – which is political campaign speak for “we’ll move to the middle after we win the nomination.”


The full audio can be heard below. The parts on abortion begin at 27 minutes in, and run until 39 minutes in.