>they cooked up a way to shield The Republic for centuries
Any chance you might be willing to elaborate a bit? I mean, there is the constitution, but I’m curious what you might be referencing beyond that?
>they cooked up a way to shield The Republic for centuries
Any chance you might be willing to elaborate a bit? I mean, there is the constitution, but I’m curious what you might be referencing beyond that?
WW might not stand for world wide. Sure fuggin’ feels more and more like we’re livin’ in West World ‘erry damn day!
I’m not sure I understand your question exactly. Nor do I necessarily think the constitution is an end all be all protective document that can be rallied behind. In my previous inquiry, I was more asking what the founding fathers might have put in place besides the obvious constitution.
Yes. There is that. But not sure the cabal cult really gives a fuck about plowing through the constitution or bill of rights. Thought maybe the other anon might have been referencing some more esoteric protections but wasn’t sure.
Is it really that no one is paying attention? Seems many are but going toe to toe with those who are behind what you describe requires those in positions of power with deep pockets to rally against. The average individual is practically unable to do anything at all that might actually combat attacks like this.
Whole heartedly agree with that.
Maybe you could be a bit more clear about what exactly you are talking about and how the average person might take measure to mitigate against such attacks?