Some of the symbolism Q may be referring:
From their inception, the "Mysteries" were always bisexual; rather, they sought to indulge any passion in their dedication to pleasure, which meant constantly seeking after new and perhaps more exciting sensations. Our modern psychologists explain these diversions as "the alternative lifestyle." The symbol of the obscene rites is the Delta, or triangle (the large pornography collection at the Library of Congress is called the Delta collection; each card in the catalogue listing I book in this collection has the symbolic triangle in the upper lefthand corner). The Delta represents the triune circles of eternity, the Hebrew Yod. The double Delta, or six pointed symbol of Judaism, represents the mail triangle supreme over the female triangle below, and penetrating her. The inverted t dangle in the Rite of Kadosch Freemasonry represents Lucifer as the Grand Patriarch and Grand Emperor. This triangle comprises the Indivisible Trinity to which the Kadosch takes his oath of blind obedience. The Delta is also the symbol of the Chapter in Royal ArchMasonry. This triangle represents the Indivisible Masonry. The Delta, or Triad, now is featured as the new symbol of Hundreds of American business organizations, perhaps as a notice to the elect that this business is now part of the Masonic Empire. The present writer has many pages which researchers have gathered showing the predominance of this symbol in American business. The Triads are also the name of the ancient Chinese underworld gangs, for whom murder is a customary method of doing business. Throughout the world, the Triad has become the symbol of international business conspiracies. When Kashoggi, the munitions dealer whose arms dealings resulted in the 1980's Iran scandals, formed an American branch of his operations, he called it Triad America. Also symbolically, it has now gone into bankruptcy, after inveigling many Americans into multi-million dollar deals in many areas.
Source: Curse of Canaan