Anonymous ID: 7dc9f1 Get Saved 1 June 24, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.1891926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hello Patriots, I’ve been lurking on the Q Research boards for the last month or two, and we are truly blessed to be given this information and the opportunity to advance the cause of good over evil.


However, we cannot take this battle lightly. Q, in the midst of giving us clues, has also been used to deliver messages to you from the Lord: >>97


Ephesians 6:10-18 - you cannot arm yourselves without the power of the Holy Spirit. You will only receive

the gift of the Holy Spirit by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. Without Him, your efforts are futile in the end.


This war is waged both in the physical and in the spiritual world. We cannot perceive the spiritual world, but we have great effect on it (and it has great effect on us).


If you do not believe me, ask yourself this: why does our enemy espouse Atheism, Chaos, Islam, Communism, etc. outwardly, but inwardly, in secret, they worship Satan and his forces (Moloch, Baal, etc.)? Why do they risk everything they have, and they have much, to sacrifice to these things if they do not exist? HRC, Rothschilds, etc. have everything anyone could want in this world, but they are not satisfied. Why?


Since October of 2017, I’ve been fighting the forces of evil within my mind. I have been viciously attacked because I have been awaken and born again. Before October, 2017, I had a relatively easy life. I had built up my treasures of this world and was gratifying my flesh. I had a podcast, I wrote for a video game website, I spent my days playing games, drinking, watching Football at the bar, etc. I was consumed with my self and this world.


Then, I watched a video that woke me up (youtube v=DDDpVVJELmA). I’ve been a Christian my whole life, and I truly believe I was saved before, but this video shook me and caused me to fear for my own salvation. I prayed like I’ve never prayed before, and I asked God to give me a new heart and let me be born again. My life changed overnight. I no longer had a desire to look at pornography, no longer had a desire to over drink, no longer had a desire to spend all my free time playing video games and watch Anime. For a week or two, I was truly free of this world, and I had planned on focusing the rest of my life to getting other people saved.


Then, I was attacked. I won’t go into what caused it (I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy), but I have battled with depression and OCD for many years before (brought on by sever tragedies that I’ve had to endure), and it all came back five fold. Instead of being comfortable in my faith and doing what I knew I needed to do (spread the Gospel and help others get born again), I kept pushing and doubting, and then I was attacked by the enemy. The doubt and fear gives the enemy power, and opening to get into your life and affect you.

Anonymous ID: 7dc9f1 Get Saved 2 June 24, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.1891934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1942

I had thoughts come into my mind that I could not control, thoughts that I could not escape, thoughts that lead to deep anxiety and deep depression. I couldn’t sleep, eat, or even have a moment’s rest. When one particular thought came into my mind, I had a deep fear that it was there because I was thinking it, and I would immediately fall into an anxiety and panic attack. From my forehead, back over the top of my head, and down my back felt like they were on fire. I tried every sleep medicine I could try, and nothing would work. I was in pure and utter hell.


But through all of this, I held onto my faith for dear life. I took Jesus with both hands and begged him to save me. Now, nine months later, I am almost back were I was for the glorious two weeks after I was born again. Unfortunately, I’m not back 100%.


I don’t know what the purpose of this all was. All I can surmise is that I was lead down this path as a trial of some sort. I still don’t know yet if I passed this trial or not, but I do know that I still have my faith, and it was my faith that saved me and got me though the pure hell that I went through. But I do know, if I hadn’t been taken though all of this, I would not be typing this to you today. I would probably be deep into a new video game or at the bar drinking and watching a game.


  • Which is why I’m writing this post to you all. Whether you know or it or not, and whether or not you accept it, you are part of this war. There is only one way to win, and only one way to be on the winning side. Jesus said that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The ways of the world and the flesh lead to death, ruin, depression, greed, lust, envy. They weigh your soul down and make you a slave to sin. The chains of sin are held by the master of this world—Satan.


So, if you are not saved or born again, I implore you to invite Jesus into your heart. Receive his Holy Spirit and be baptized by Fire in the Spirit, then be baptized by Water. Give the Lord control of your life and your yoke will be lifted and a new one will be placed upon your shoulders (Matt 11:25-30). Your heart of stone will be made into a heart of flesh. This is when the real battle will begin. You must defeat your evil self and be born again, and the only way this is possible is through Jesus. You do not have the power to turn away from evil by yourself. Without Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will not have everlasting peace.


God is a Mighty Fortress, and you must be born again to inherit his Kingdom (John 3:1-21).

Anonymous ID: 7dc9f1 Get Saved 3 June 24, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.1891942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028



So please understand, use this board to do the research and to wake everyone up. Do not post pornography, hate, etc. You might think it’s harmless or funny, but what you are really doing is giving strength to the enemy. Disobedience to God is what gives Satan his opportunity to strike, and when you spread wickedness to people who are weak, you are not only hurting them but yourself. (Ephesians 2:1-10).


So please repent and be saved. Come out of the Darkness and into the Light. God has denied the enemy his timeline, and now the forces of evil are all scrambling. Do not give in to them, and do not help them.


Here are the things you must do (among others):


  1. Ask the Lord Jesus into your Heart (Seek and ye shall find, Knock and the Door will be open to you) (Matt 7:7-11), ask to be born again, ask the Lord to give you a new Heart.

  2. If you do not have Faith, don’t worry. Faith is a gift. Ask and you shall receive. When you are granted Faith, with it comes Peace.

  3. After you do this, pray, all the time. As to be shown what you must do. WALK with the Lord.

  4. In the coming days, after you are born again, all of the evil things you have ever done will be shown to you. You must as forgiveness and repent (turn away from) of all these things. Ask the Lord for help to turn away from this world. You will get support.

  5. Walk on the narrow path (Matt 7:12-14). Ask the Lord Jesus to guide you and keep you on the narrow path. The ways of the world are the wide path with the huge gate. All that pass along the wide path will be lead to eternal judgement. Those who walk on the narrow path will find the Kingdom of God.

  6. Fight against your old self. Unfortunately, in this life, you will never be free of your old self and temptation. You must resist and fight, ask the Lord for help when you are tempted and when you fail.

  7. Forgive ALL who have sinned against you. Remember, everyone is fighting a battle against their evil self. Many are losing this battle. You must forgive to be forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15). Pray for your enemies and for your own salvation. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, so trust in Him. Love your enemies and take refuge in the Lord.

  8. Spread the Gospel and make disciples of all Nations. Look around you, many of the people you see are already dead. They must be given Life. Their blood is on your hands if you fail in your duty.

  9. Seek help from your brothers and sisters in Christ. They will help you. We must work together and support each other.

  10. The Holy Spirit is your best friend. Do not grieve him. Stay close to God and Walk with him.

  11. Download the YouVersion App on your phone and turn the daily notification on. The Word of God is sharper than a double edged sword. It cuts through bone, straight into the soul. (Hebrews 4:11-13).

  12. Do not lay up treasures in this world, but lay up your treasures in Heaven. Give freely to people and be generous to everyone (Matt 6:19-24). Enjoy the gifts that God gives you, but do not hunger for things of this world. Enjoy and be thankful for what you have, and share freely with those who are in need.

  13. Do not be afraid. Do not let Satan lie to you. He is a liar and a deceiver. Get saved, and cast all of your troubles onto the Lord.

  14. Praise the Lord. Go to church and praise the Lord. Give him your worship and praise—he deserves it. If you cannot go to church, then dedicate time for the Lord. He loves you and has first loved you. You owe God your very existence. It’s a misconception that you go to church for yourself—you should go to church to worship the Lord and to give thanks.






Anyway, thank you for reading this. I really truly hope this will make a difference in your life. All I care about now is getting people saved. The more people that can be born again, the wider and greater the Kingdom of God becomes in this world, and the more prepared we will all be for when this world ends and Justice is delivered. God has blessed us with more time. We will win this battle and save a billion souls before the end of this!