Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.1891571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1583 >>1589 >>1599 >>1601 >>1654 >>1809



isoroku yamamoto.



japs were the aggressors. Period. cabal goaded them into taking action. read up on jacob schiff and subsequent cabal connection to meiji government of japan.

However, it seems likely that certain actions were taken to destroy US ability on that infamous day and keep the assets as vulnerable as possible.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.1891727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768 >>1795 >>1802 >>1833 >>1877



That quote is from tora! tora! tora! and as far as we know was never directly attributed to the said jap admiral.



convoluted FF. cabal 'suggested' and goaded them into action. Think ambition, think racial imperative, think hatred and envy, think easily manipulated pawns.



see above.



the typical 'excuse' that united states somehow instigated it is enraging to the extreme.


if a criminal was going around raping, killing and looting a neighborhood out of sheer aggression and delusional sense of self-importance (ie. japan) would you be an aggressor' by denying him oil for his car, steel for his knives and guns, and resources to keep him going?


The 'cajoling' came to be because the cabal perfectly understands the darker nature of nations and people and know EXACTLY how to use them in a way that is closely tied to their free will - yet very destructive.


If you know that are wolf cannot resist the smell of deer meat, or that momma bear will always go berserk to defend her cubs when someone intrudes in her territory, you would know exactly how to set up traps and events to goad them into action in order to get the results you want, as a hunter and trapper.


If you knew how bees react under stress to provide the best honey and royal jelly, you would not pay much attention to the fact that bees of different species are attacking, raping, and killing each other and their queens. You only want the best honey with least amount of effort as possible, in the best way possible. You give no thought to the pain of the bees or the wolf or the bear.


So the cabal treats the world as their bee hive, a hunting ground. A garden.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4 p.m. No.1891808   🗄️.is 🔗kun



He is correct. We power on. We will trust our patriots, and set aside our differences.


Baker, POTUS schedule message


It is to us, and to the public.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4:02 p.m. No.1891828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1994


many people were used in that war, anon. think bigger than just nations or even people.


((cabal)) sees each of us as simple bees of different color to be manipulated.


Hence, recognition of decent folk uniting necessary.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.1891862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943 >>1961


not even comparable, but irrelevant anyway for immediate things. We have POTUS's lead to follow.


Maxine corruption.




Maxine is doing this ON PURPOSE from orders through her (((masters))).


WE NEED A FOOL PROOF charge to bring her down.


EXPOSE how she exploited the poverty of her constituancy.


EXPOSE her lavish lifestyle.


EXPOSE her corruption.


ONLY leverage the left and (((they))) have left is to ferment street level security and safety disaster.


We destroy them with our evidence that shows how SHE have been taking money from very people who EXPLOIT those under her constituency.


(((they))) are trying to distract us, the STONE, from supporting POTUS and making this VIRAL. ALL the events today. ALL that the shills are doing is trying to keep us pissed off and OFF the battlefield where we are SUPPOSED to be instead of arguging with fucking texts with distraction (((JIDF shills))).




SUPPORT POTUS. ALL his tweets today, ALL his policies. FUCK over maxine using side-by-side evidence. FUCK over the DEMS using side- by -side. FUCK over all the black hat scum using evidence we gathered together.


Do NOT be distracted by (((shills))) and waste bread and time responding to them. Fuck the kikes, fuck the antifa scum.


WE are the FORCE. SUPPORT PATRIOTS, FIGHT on the internet sphere, meme away.




Maxine Waters Under Siege: Congresswoman lives in $4.8M mansion, Paid daughter $750,000 to mail campaign flyers


"Pro-Trump supporters are calling for Waters to be impeached amid allegations that she paid her daughter, Karen Waters, $750,000 out of taxpayer funds to mail campaign flyers.


In 2010, the House Ethics Committee investigated Waters for steering $12 million in bailout funds to a bank where her husband sat on the board and held stock.


Artwork featuring Waters’ face under the words “POVERTY PIMP” and “IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS” are popping up on bus benches and a pole outside Waters’ $4.8 million mansion in upscale Hancock Park — which is worlds away from the poverty-stricken district she represents.


Her indigent constituents wonder aloud how she can afford the lavish, nearly $5 million house."


Also, illegal deportation repost:


TODAY, right NOW, is what Q was talking about.


illegal deportations.


ALL must be tied to DEMS and their criminal exploitation corruption that links to the highest corners of corporate money chain and off shore financiers (read: soros).


By showing how these 'concernags' and 'fake moralists' are in the end nothing but amoral money driven WHOES to the agenda that care nothing for so-called sufferings of those they impoverished first (think global money chain and links to corporations that bought up and privatized lands in the the third world nations), we see on WHOSE hand the blood REALLY is.


Get it? This screeching and hebraic kvetching bullshit is DISTRACTION on orders from their (((masters))).



Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1892002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2145



you would compare one captain forcing open a nation with a trade expedition with a nation and race going on a rampage and orgy of raping (straight up rape, rape of nanking is only one example - crimes throughout the entirety of east and south east asia who still bears the mark of the carnage), killing, and absolute looting?


No more 'relative morality' here. killing is killing, and west has long been used as stooge by (((globalist NWO families))) as have others, all under varying circumstances.


Expand your thinking.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4:30 p.m. No.1892115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2146



>flak above the target lads


Obviously you should be going after certain shareblue and black hat shill not to mention jidf types whwo masquerade. However, the daily ones seem to be the one you obviously leave behind while pissed off anons get banned for counter semitic posts you seem to find objectionable. Getting under the skin is not a condition for 'troll' and your emotions are not a measure of it either.


The good deal of the bans targetting E bot and FE are noted. But we know that there are jidf types and you obviously did not address them properly, and conversed happily with one to knock out ESS. You seem to have no problem collaborating with such when everybody knows the bread shitting 30+ post faggot, all so you can shit on one ESS baker and some anons.


Get the picture? Learn your role and check your targets, obviously you have not been doing jack shit against those jidf types and you should know as a autist why the fuck (((–))) is embedded.


This is the real goal - causing infighting and you obviously not recognizing the importance or the dynamic. useul idiots abound.

Anonymous ID: a2e3ac June 24, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1892234   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Best check yourself and see the ban histories. We do not need a BV that fucks off like a bitch whenever his little feelings are threatened. All the same could stay the same, assuming you understand we do not play by BV's preferences.


Most of the non-obvious (FE/SES/AIM/e fag) bans have been straight up attack on any anons posting counter semitic things, and everyone knows this shit.


You think a bv role is something where it decides the narrative? or are the constant bread gobbling 30+ jidf that everyone knows and uses the same shit script day after day not obvious? How about that they are completely unmolested and free to shit up the bread with their gay porn when other stuff are not getting through and provoking anons. You have the free time to go after all but those organized ones and those are just 'ip hoppers'? while attacking the ones who get rightfully pissed off?


We go after fucking traitors. And the ones making excuses for why the ones constantly bothering anons are being ignored.