Anonymous ID: c0dcfb June 24, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.1891538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2212

Problems with Necessitarianism

I – Its Inverting the Truth-making Relation

Religious skeptics – had they lived in a society where they might have escaped torture for asking the question – might have wondered why (/how) the world molds itself to God's will. God, on the Prescriptivist view of Laws of Nature, commanded the world to be certain ways, e.g. it was God's will (a law of nature that He laid down) that all electrons should have a charge of -1.6 x 10-19 Coulombs. But how is all of this supposed to play out? How, exactly, is it that electrons do have this particular charge? It is a mighty strange, and unempirical, science that ultimately rests on an unintelligible power of a/the deity.


Twentieth-century Necessitarianism has dropped God from its picture of the world. Physical necessity has assumed God's role: the universe conforms to (the dictates of? / the secret, hidden, force of? / the inexplicable mystical power of?) physical laws. God does not 'drive' the universe; physical laws do.


But how? How could such a thing be possible? The very posit lies beyond (far beyond) the ability of science to uncover. It is the transmuted remnant of a supernatural theory, one which science, emphatically, does not need.

Anonymous ID: c0dcfb June 24, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.1891700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1738 >>1743 >>1765 >>1787 >>1842 >>1925 >>1947 >>1995 >>2031 >>2045 >>2057 >>2100 >>2133 >>2134 >>2140 >>2150 >>2171 >>2183



I'm not sure why you are here on this board

We are here to do research

We don't demand proofs

We find them

By digging

By making connections

By drawing maps that UNVEIL

A section of the criminal conspiracy network

That has usurped the government of the USA

And many other countries

That sows corruption intended to destroy America

So they can build a new world order

Ruled by the emperor of the world

Who gets that role

By being the chief thief

The connsumate con-artist

The most evil Satanist

In the cabal


Q provides many crumbs for digging

But anons provide many more

And for most of us

R is another anon, and his crumbs are as eligible for digging as any

We do not trust the words of Q

We only trust what we can PROVE OURSELVES

By digging, making connections and drawing maps

All those proofs you see,

Come from anons

You are welcome to watch

But don't expect us to listen to your silly opinions

Or to care whether or not you believe us

Liberals hate us and disbelieve everything we say

So you will forgive us, when we dump you

Into the same overstuffed barrel

As the liberals

Anonymous ID: c0dcfb June 24, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.1891929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021 >>2144



Living in London is this guy from a bloodline family

Stefano Massimo, prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci


Roccasecca means Dry Rocks and refers to a drystone fortress built on a mountain peak as a temple. A fort would have used mortar for more strength. So he is Massimo, Latin Maximus which means GREATEST. He is associated with an ancient temple


Volsci seems related to a word that basically means foreigner

Wallach in Romania, loosely connected to Dracula

Wales in England where we have a Prince of…


Wales is Celtic. The ancient language of the Volsci is a dialect related to Latin which is a language more closely related to Celtic ones than any others. In Volscian Pindar could well be a word for pinnacle like Penadur in Welsh and related to Pendragon.


But what about the middle east?

Were there ever Celts or Volsci there that were connected with these satanic religions? Ur of the Chaldees is the hotbed of Chaldean magic. Linguistically, Ur could be cognate with Volsci/Wallach/Wales but this needs more digging.


The most fruitful route for digging IMHO, would be Chaldean Magic and civilization and its connections to Celts and Druids. Look into the Tree alphabet and the Mabinogion. And remember, 100% of Europeans originate in the near east or central and northern Asia. That's because 12,000 years ago, all of Europe was under several kilometers of ice. And the Gulf Stream pushed the snowfall deep into eastern europe which is why the steppes of Russia and Ukraine were created under a giant glacial lake when the ice melted.

Anonymous ID: c0dcfb June 24, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.1891969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2093 >>2218



The fact that you don't know how presidents since GW Bush, and maybe before, have legalised the NSA to collect EVERYTHING that everybody says on the phone, on the Internet, and anywhere that they have places cameras or microphones, suggests that you really do not belong here.


If it was unconstitutional to set this all up, then the criminals have gotten away with it. This system of surveillance exists and for particular reasons, anybody on this board is watched more closely than most. This board party acts as a honeypot for the blackhats. The NSA can now trackback clowns and shills through many layers of VPN and identify them. And then, through them they can identify their associates.


The whole globalist organization is now mapped out and being watched. They are trapped. There is no way out.

Anonymous ID: c0dcfb June 24, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.1892030   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The things happening to Red Hen

And the protesters at Hillary's appearance in Ireland

Are just the thin edge of the wedge

Soon they won't be able to walk the streets in public