I think so. 👻
That option needs to be avoided at all costs. If it comes to that then it is all for nothing.
Neither of us have power.
That right there is what's frustrating.
The vote rigging was going to happen regardless.
>crimes against God
Now you know what truly terrifies the soulless husks. They KNOW they do not have Salvation and are working overtime to get out of this mess.
Filter button test fire rounds complete.
I only use the comments on YouTube to send coded messages to Stephen King.
There is no one I would rather spend my life with than you.
So much to do and so little time.
Where to begin?
I'm here to serve.
I put that up on my personal page before I got the ban hammer yesterday.
Even $1 is too much. Taxation is theft.
Why give the feds a target of opportunity for another false flag?