kevin mccarthy & lindsey graham ?
liz cheney has managed to be hated by conservatives and liberals kek
colorado-collage/ students
how would you best describe the political beliefs of campus as a whole?
progressive/ very liberal 49%
liberal 46%
moderate 5%
conservative received no %
but it was a very small self-reporting poll
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well the big time liberals sure fawned over her during the jan 6th show
she must have thought they would forget she is a cheney
just pointing out she has burned her bridges to both sides
'she won't be able to waddle down the street"
this is not true
general orders no. 141
on sept 25, 1862 lincoln subjected protestors to martial law and the suspension of habeas corpus in the north
he had no power in the south
on may 27, 1861 lincoln suspended habeas corpus between dc and philadelphia
that one was struck down by chief justice roger b taney