Pretty interesting no?
New wave must be handled carefully.
been noted.
the message. POTUS's message. It's unfortunate that there are those who do not know their priorities straight and have an ulterior motive.
see not a single thing would be a problem if this bv was straight outta /pol/ and knew the good portion of what we are fighting against and their nature. We also know how to ID them but really the kid reads like a typical standard subversive who makes excuses and then goes to do whatever the fuck he wants.
we know the bread gobblers - they are already in this bread. all the old school autists do.
We also know the fire has died down considerably and many old time autists have left and notables have been very lackable in content.
research wasn't getting done and digs went nowhere, and then they chase after random ass R.
Autists are out there, but with a kiddy on the helm bitching out and doing nothing to fight the enemy we know is large part of what is the problem, obviously he #1 either is in over his head and doesn't know the human dynamic at play at all (convinces himself he does) OR #2: outright liar censoring and deleting counter semitic posts while letting 'muhjooshill shills' aka jidf have a free run including colluding and talking to one to kick of ESS baker for shit reasons.
Will get on twatter. Thank you, anon.
not bad.
these shills seem to be underestimating us.
you tell us how the hell 30+ posts each bread from a KNOWN jidf types are not 'spam' we've been here long enough to recognize them the first time they post and can easily ID em within a bread.
There are multiple types whose behavior has been seen as a TEAM, 24/7.
There is only ONE problem - BV isn't going after THEM, the enemy who does not offer a single dig but only disrupt and divide.
Instead, when these fuckers squeal 'divionsshill' 'muhjooshill' - BV jumps in.
Uses the same language.
has the same spiteful attitude and bans autists.
Do the math.
There isn't just one or two calling for this BV to go, but I grant you this:
if the fucking BV actually starts being an autists and start going after our enemies instead of friends, then we are alright and of course all the banning of e and FE crap is great.
But this BV? provokes anons, bitches off at bakers, and has been nothing but trouble.
Most obvious ones are easily ID'd.
All we heard from the last 'text' was seriously misleading - the bans do not need even that much of an analysis. obvious ones are obvious: =,e and flat earth muh dik gay pron etc.
the not so obvious have been here or a long time and we know to ID them. at this point, the idea that a BV whose primary job is to ban (((shills))) cannot recognize jidf and shareblue cunts from honest but perhaps bad-delivery anons is ridiculous.
Unless #1: it is deliberate as 98% other non-obvious bans have been solely autists posting counter semitic opinions, OR #2: he is somehow THAT stupid.
That last post was fucking impudent sniveling little lie I don't know where to begin. All that kiddy level talk condenses to: I press ban on obvious bots, can't touch the obvious jidf because 'daily ip hop' and I ban autists because I feel like it (I love banning 'muhjooshills' like a jew or jidf type thinking traitor).
That's it. That's the core of the problem. The motive and the lies/delusions.
straight out of jersey, from one of the most jewish concentrated municipality in the world.
trust me you stupid nigger, no one I work would give me access if I was a (((shill))).
this is from (((bye goy))) huff post btw.
I believe you haven't refuted single sentence there. Your feelings are irrelevant - (((they))) are obvious.
They literally spend half the bread on replying to flat earth and other nonsensical and obvious slides.
They always write from a script 'you are a jew' 'I think you are muslim' 'kys' 'red bold text of nothing' 'no digs' 'provoking anons by playing jidf angle'
then BV jumps in to not ban THEM, those ses assistor types. only the counter semitic posts.
some /pol/ anon no?
actions tell the truth. bv was buddying up with one of them the obvious one yesterday.
bv never listens to BO and just reverses it later on.
explain any of this unless bv is either severely misguided or a traitor that seeks to ban anti-semitic content like msm and jewish astrosurfers.
this along with influx of norme is why autists left - aside from exhaustion. that is why the fire is less, and autists are less.
not just the influx of normies.
we know we need to have patience and bar with new comers.
we know that painful and patient 'cucking' is inevitable due to that.
we are still around.
but we cannot work while one bv censors the truth and starts acting like msm.
we know (((shills))) play all sides.
we know when to dial it up and back.
this bv is purely lying or is incompetent at supporting the fire.
go after jidf adn share blue shills. enough making up excuses that does not hide the fact that this bv is censoring that stuff. that's it.
Now we got this one - using the stupid (((shill))) 'labels' like msm - and of course no action is taken.
interesting, no?
To think I was nice enough to converse with a jidf, it outs itself.
Any actions taken? nope. only the counter bv anon got banned.
they also shoa'd notables early on. israel blood examination and dna harvesting for one. way back.
kek amazing eh?
POTUS told us to stand united. yes.
at the same time, we cannot allow those with ulterior motives to use anons and alter the narrative in here.
autists need to be brought back, we know how to play the game.
fire needs to be restoked.
bv needs to back the fuck off and go after real shills not fucking with anons like on this bread.
I have never seen BO do this even when I felt he should and it was obvious all the ses/aim fags were doing this.
fine line to walk but very obvious once the targets are ID'd.
nigger jidf, do try to glow less.