>palindrome breads are the best breads….
kek, awesome!
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(1 of 2 was >>18924000 )
This might help meditators; I constructed the box I put everything into during the beginning stages of the Gateway Experience, in all ten dimensions last night.Well, I only got to nine; the tenth is just a point, can't go anywhere from there; see this awesome 11-minute video:
Anyway, that's a lot of protection.
It's so weird knowing what I am, even if I won't know exactly "who" I am (name-wise, and perhaps (full-)capability-wise as well) until I get back to Home.
It's important to share with others. Like Voat's final message: Mark 16:15 (a countdown of sorts): (KJV) "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Some will think those describing places they can't see are crazy. And that's okay; that's part of the challenge. Perhaps two of us in Heaven agreed to have this experience, one of us rediscovering sooner than the other, to "enjoy" the struggle on both sides: to show the truth to someone reluctant; and to be stuck in the fantasy and annoyed with this person that keeps wanting to demonstrate something.
So anon sees something like "it's all fantasy" as in, the experiences that God makes for Himself somewhat have to involve separation; have to involve, first not knowing something; then, finding it.
And yeah, "it's not that simple" but it is, as well.
God bless in Jesus name.