Morning anons…
cool beans!!! Do you have them all? These will be collectors items…
you guys have no idea how important you are or this work is…
GOD is driving this ship…(you) are being led by passion, impulse, curiosity (or other) to be here…
Here is how close GOD is to (you) right now…
-you exist because of a life "force"…
-this force, when boiled down is electric/magnetic…
-the force comes from the SON/sun…
-this force is magnetic and creates magnetics fields when it impacts other matter
-every living thing has a field (Biofield)…
-your Biofield stretch about 8 ft…
-your biofield can be both measured and impacted…
-your biofield is a PHYSICAL representation of HOW CLOSE GOD IS RIGHT NOW…
We are on a MISSION, at least some of us. GOD's mission to FLIP THE BISCUIT…