CHIC FIL A….down the tubes!!!
>Why the divisive post & comment, without context? Why just post a slighted opinion with a link.
no agenda…just juggling werk and pissed off cuz I know peeps…good peeps that work at and other that own a few Chic Fil A.
This ESG / DEI/ sh*t is horrifying….and they are attacking the low end consumers with it…Target, Kohls, Bud Light, Coors, Chic Fil A, Burger King etc.
You don't see this PRIDE and related crap at Tiffany's or your local Mercedes dealer. It's an attack on the poor.
thanks for the finds. i guess they're there, but i never noticed.
AndWeKnow (rumble / telegram news channel guy) had a vid on May 26 that mentioned a soros backed fund that pushes these companies into this shit called HRC.
Havent had enough time to investigate these fucktards.