Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.18924968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scholarly Whistleblower at European Union

promoted by Kim dot Com

>>18924570 pb

not exactly "out of thin air"

working on the pathogen for ~50 years; and it "suddenly appears overnight"?


>>18924709 pb

>>18924649 pb

Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.18925005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5021 >>5035



Does anybody have real info / sauce on "Children's Defense Fund" ?

I see accusations but now sauce.

All I found in one search on was all good things RFK jr. has done.

but others have him in a list of traffickers.

Needs to be straightened out?

Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.18925118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5169


Some Kennedy's are cool.

the deep state didn't kill an harass them and cover-up, and ursurp power for nothing.

Trump TJT wasn't friends with John jr. for nothing.

Kennedy haters tend to distrust Trump too.

They are almost like Union radicals and Communists; nobody who is rich can be good.

Middle Class and lower classes are salvation of the World.

The Upper class, when "good Kings" can be spiritual leaders and enablers of Prosperity for everyone else. As is Trump

Weird that Republicans would be against someone merely because they are rich.

Obama didn't kill Ted Kennedy for nothing.

Need actual evidence, rather than smears and insinuations.

Kennedy's have been smeared since before the Deep State murdered JFK. The crooks/ gang always smear the target, before and after the person is elimitated. In this case the entire family was targeted.

So far they are "proved by shill" though I know it's a large family and most fail to support RFK and are themselves compromised.

Royals / Elite of today are corrupt and godless; but maybe was not always so?

(but the heavy Propaganda is to have you believe it's inevitable "Power always corrupts" they drill into you; as an excuse)

I believe Barry killed Ted in order to get out of the promise he made to Ted (to gain Kennedy's support of his election - which Barry initially did not have)

Barry promised Ted Kennedy control over Health Care revision -ans didn't want to keep his promise. Barry's "big deal" was the obamacare scam, for Big Pharma.

Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.18925282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5322


"I think Comey poses a near existential threat to the rule of law. Comey will do everything he can to tear down the Institutions that he was unable to completely crush in the past - though he and his co-conspirators tried with all their effort, for many decades. Comey attempted to dismantle the rule of Law and dismantle the Contitution Bill of Rights (Mass Surveillance / Blackmail / Arbitrary rulings)

fortunately Trump was elected and began the process of cleaning out Comey and friends rat's nest.


That's maybe why DJT POTUS mentioned several times that he saved himself by firing him when he did, i.e. Trump says "instinct."

Comey gave a speech wherein he claimed there was no right to Privacy and there was no right to refuse to answer a Judge; both rights of which are guaranteed by our "Bill of Rights"

For their plan they needed un-fettered ability to frame people, with unlimited right of surveillance and unlimited right to compel testimony they 'd have free rein to frame anyone and everyone for perjury.

Which they 've already been doing and tried on Flynn, Stone, and Manafort and of course trying now on TrumpDJT POTUS.

That's why they surveilled Trump

If DJT had not had a copy of the phone call to Zelenski they would've succeeded in convicting him and removing him from office.

Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.18925322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5333


>For their plan they needed un-fettered ability to frame people., With unlimited right of surveillance and unlimited right to compel testimony they 'd have free rein to frame anyone and everyone for perjury and any other crime they cared to invent.


Anonymous ID: 7971f8 May 30, 2023, 9:45 a.m. No.18925333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5360 >>5363


it was suggested Comey was "in on" the OK bombing mission.

So far pretty weak evidence, but could be looked into as things get cleaned out.

Evidence was simply eyewitness to the second bomber with McVeigh.