Anonymous ID: acc2ac May 30, 2023, 8:26 a.m. No.18925018   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fed reserve place their Presidents in office through rigged elections.

These Presidents are told to spend more and raise the debt.

The Rothschild bankers want more interest from the debt.

Higher debt = Higher Interest payments

Interest is Currently 30 billion a month and we never miss a payment.


Imagine what we could do for our nation with 30 billion a month.

What are the Rothschild bankers doing with our 30 billion a month?

How many politicians does that purchase?

How many bribes?

Anonymous ID: acc2ac May 30, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.18925521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542

The Illuminati’s Secret Religion


Do not be under any illusions. Conventional religion is about one thing only: control. All the ceremonies of mainstream religion are designed to force you onto your knees, to compel you into postures of submission. They break your will, turn you into slaves and puppets of the Old World Order. Religion is a weapon of psychological warfare, expertly wielded by the masters of the Old World Order. A man on his knees cannot fight, cannot resist. Nietzsche described Christianity as a “slave morality”. That’s exactly what it is. You would need to be a slave to buy into Christianity, Islam or Judaism. The word “Muslim” means “one who submits”. You might as well have “slave” branded on your forehead. Islamic nations have proved backward in comparison with Western nations. Why? Because their ideology of submission removes the leadership, individuality and creativity necessary for progress. Islam is not unlike communism, an ideology that destroyed progress and creativity by making everyone submit to the state. Submission is anathema. Even in the West, there is far too much submission, far too many slaves. Imagine a world full of meritocrats – high achievers reaching their full potential – rather than a world of slaves ruled over by a rich, privileged elite, a corrupt group of unworthy masters – the Old World Order. What greatness could such a world attain? Humanity has barely scratched the surface of its potential. Only when we eradicate slavery in all of its many manifestations can we advance to the next level.


The 6,000 people who run the Old World Order give thanks every day that so many billions of people have fallen for the oldest trick in the book – the idea that if you make yourself the slave of “God” you have somehow freed yourself. They will tell you that you have liberated yourself from fear, sin and death… from Satan himself. The truth is the opposite. You have embraced the creed of Satan. You have made yourself into the living dead. Think of the Muslim fanatics who proudly proclaim, “We love death more than you love life.” What is that if not the gospel of death, destruction, self-hatred, suicide and madness? And these people regard themselves as good, healthy human beings, deserving of being welcomed into the presence of God! Which God would want such followers? These people are sick to the core of their being. Satan’s hand grasps their hearts. Do not follow the gospel of death.


The Illuminati’s Secret Religion