The biggest red pill for
Most anons will be religion.
The Old World Order are not gods. They are greedy, vain, selfish egotists, drunk on self-love. Bono, lead singer of U2, campaigns against world poverty. Bono is one of the richest men on the planet. Shouldn’t he be campaigning against himself? Why do we tolerate such disgusting hypocrisy? Why isn’t this person laughed off the face of the earth? St Francis of Assisi came from a wealthy family, but gave up everything he owned to follow his religious calling. That is a man you can take seriously, a man you can respect. He was no hypocrite. He lived as a pauper and railed against wealth. He was almost excommunicated by the Pope for preaching his subversive message that was such a threat to the scandalous riches of the Vatican. If a person like that stood up and campaigned against world poverty you would pay attention, but no one in their right mind would listen to a hypocrite like Bono. He is typical of the Old World Order. At the same time that they are reaching into our pockets to take our money, they are proclaiming how wonderful they are, and getting us to believe it. How stupid are we? We are stupid because we are self-alienated. We loathe ourselves. We have lost all sense of the divine spark within us. We are sunk in materialism. We are the lost, the damned, but it need not be that way.
Don’t worship others. Worship yourself. Find your inner divinity. Be as great as you can be. People will stop worshipping Satan when they see that no good God would ever want to be worshipped. All those who demand that you kneel and bow in the name of “God” are manipulating you. They are false prophets. God needs no praise. When the Old World Order ask you to worship them, don’t. Stop living in the shadow of others. When you liberate your divine spark, you will never again stand in awe of another.
If you are in any doubt that conventional religions are a sinister means of mass control, just look at any Islamic prayer session. At major Islamic mosques around the world you will see thousands upon thousands of bearded men, shoeless and wearing odd religious caps, on their knees, bowing and scraping, mumbling the words of the Koran that they have been forced to memorise from their earliest days. (Muslims are required to pray five times a day and are even woken up from sleep in the middle of the night to perform one of their prayer sessions: sleep disruption is a classic brainwashing technique.)
Muslim women are not allowed to pray with the men. They pray elsewhere, usually behind screens. They are typically clad in long black robes covering every part of their bodies. With many, only their eyes are visible. It is impossible to recognise one from another. These women are totally depersonalised, without one particle of individuality. They are the appendages of men, the private property of their husbands. They are not permitted to shake hands with other men, or let other men see their hair or faces. In some nations, they are forbidden from driving. They can’t even stand in the same line to vote as men. They can be stoned to death for committing adultery, hanged for fornication. They have been made to feel like lepers. They are entirely alienated from their bodies, their appearance, their individuality. Yet you will hear them asserting that they are freer and better off than Western women…such is the extent of the brainwashing to which they have been relentlessly subjected. When slaves proclaim slavery to be freedom, you can be certain that the control being exerted over them is absolute.
Do not be under any illusions. Conventional religion is about one thing only: control. All the ceremonies of mainstream religion are designed to force you onto your knees, to compel you into postures of submission. They break your will, turn you into slaves and puppets of the Old World Order. Religion is a weapon of psychological warfare,